Build your own custom interface to AccuRev issue tracking

January 30, 2008

If I had to guess, I’d say that roughly one third of our customers are using AccuRev’s built-in issue tracking system, called AccuWork. Another third are using one of any number of 3rd party systems, and the last third aren’t linking to issue tracking at all. Those not using issue tracking I feel are missing out on one of the key advantages of software development using an Enterprise class SCM system like AccuRev, but that’s a post for another day. And those using a third party system have that tool’s interface to work with if they want to set up any customizations. So I want to focus on the group using AccuWork.

What many people aren’t aware of is that not only does AccuRev have a full featured command-line interface for SCM operations, it also has CLI operations for the issue tracking as well. Additionally, it has the flexibility of using XML and all the inherent benefits of that language. So an example of what some organizations might want to do is set up an intranet web page where various, non-SCM users can submit issue records without having to go through a specific client application. This can be a very straightforward effort using the AccuWork CLI.

Step one would be to design your web page and forms. Simple for any experienced web developer. Any desired validations and logic would be built into this web page. Step two is to merely grab the form data, translate it into the appropriate XML format, and submit it to AccuRev. Here is a sample xml structure to create an AccuWork issue record (your schema may vary):

<newIssue issueDB="Support">
    <status fid="3">New</status>
    <shortDescription fid="4">We want to have another issue</shortDescription>
    <productType fid="6">Receiver</productType>
    <type fid="7">enhancement</type>
    <submittedBy fid="10">3</submittedBy>
    <assignedTo fid="14">1</assignedTo>
    <foundInRelease fid="20">TP_3.5</foundInRelease>
    <dateSubmitted fid="11">1083606275</dateSubmitted>

Lastly, you would send this xml to AccuRev using the standard CLI:

“accurev xml -l issueFromWeb.xml”

Bingo, you now have an AccuWork record created! That’s a basic example, but since AccuRev also gives you the ability to query issues and modify existing issues via XML CLI, you can start to imagine the flexibility you have for customization and specialty access.

I’m interested in hearing from development organizations about their issue tracking usage. Do you typically have a wider audience for the issue tracking side than the actual coding side? Does the previous information sound like it’s something you could make use of?